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Membership Benefits

Membership is open to teaching faculty and college administrators associated with a currently accredited CCAPP Pharmacy Technician Program. (For details on affiliate membership and application process, please contact our Membership Coordinator, through the “Contact Us” link.) Membership is per calendar year (Jan 1st to Dec 31st)

Benefits to being a CPTEA Member:

  • access to member’s only resources on our website, including teaching resources and accreditation resources
  • share ideas, resources, expertise with other members via website
  • connect with executive and council members
  • participate at Annual General Meetings and any impromptu call-outs
  • discounted rates for annual conference
  • potentially volunteer to be a CPTEA appointee to various stakeholder boards or events (CCAPP, NAPRA, PEBC, CCCEPP, CAPT, etc.)
  • receive profession related updates
  • serve on council or as executive member

Fill out our membership application to become a member!